MEININGER in cooperation with GemüseAckerdemie
In conjunction with the GemüseAckerdemie we gave away a SchulAcker (school plot) at the beginning of the year.
The lucky winner was the IGS Remagen School, who – starting from August 17th – can now grow their own vegetables in the schoolyard for the coming two years.
In this blog article we would like to briefly introduce and explain the GemüseAckerdemie (literally: Vegetable Agri-cademy) and what this project is all about.
What is the GemüseAckerdemie?
The GemüseAckerdemie is a full year, practice oriented education program with the aim of increasing the value of food to children and young people and anchoring healthy eating habits. By growing vegetables the children and young people gain a basic knowledge of agriculture, develop an understanding of healthy nutrition and learn how nature works.

Why does the GemüseAckerdemie exist?
Children and young people are increasingly losing their access to natural food production and the underlying processes. As a consequence the appreciation of food is falling:
- Less and less children and young people know where food comes from or have ever grown vegetables themselves.
- In Germany over 30% of all food is thrown away.
- Unhealthy eating habits and diseases such as obesity and diabetes are continuously increasing in children and young people.

Through the planting and care of more than 25 types of vegetables and the independent marketing of the harvest, the children and young people experience the complete production chain of vegetable farming and, in so doing, develop an appreciation for food.
There will be 145 AckerSchulen (Agri Schools) and AckerKitas (Agri Pre-Schools) in Germany in 2017.

Who is Ackerdemia e.V.?
Ackerdemie is a non-profit organisation with the aim of strengthening society’s consciousness regarding food production and more appreciation for healthier nutrition. To this end Ackerdemia develops social and sustainable concepts, which are implemented in collaboration with local partners. The educational program was developed under the slogan “Ackern schafft Wissen“ (“Agricultural work creates knowledge”).
The non-profit collective Ackerdemia was established in 2014 by Dr. Christoph Schmitz in Potsdam.

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