The Weirdest Museums in Europe

You Had Enough of the Classic Style Museums? It’s Time to Discover the Weirdest Museums in Europe

don’t like museums – have you ever dared to say that? We want to prove you wrong! Museums and galleries have nowadays much more to offer than anyone could have expected! It is not anymore about dusty exhibits that only connoisseurs are excited about… With all the diversity out there, there is surely a museum for every taste! We would like to share with you some of the unusual museums that can make your next trip even better

 #1 Lipstick Museum in Berlin

The famous make-up artist and beauty coach René Koch has opened its private lipsticks and beauty products collection to the public – you can search through famous make-up pieces and their formulas, beauty posters, from Baroque, through 19th century and war period, until now. During the visit you will listen to interesting stories about the cinema stars and celebrities and their behind-the-scenes. 
You can also admire over 150 kiss marks of the world’s most famous divas – Milva, Bonnie Tyler, or Hildegard KnefOn top of all that, you get tips and tricks about the most seductive lipsticks of all times. Easily accessible from our central hotels in Berlin!

 Weirdest Museums in Europe

#2 Torture Museum in Amsterdam

Now something for those who crave adventure and enjoy the thrill! The museum located in the center of Amsterdam (not far from our hotels in the center of Amsterdam) is a testimony to Europe’s dark and painful history – filled with sharp interrogations and torture. It features over 40 instruments of punishment from all over Europe, including inquisition chairdecapitation swords, and guillotine. All of that comes with historical background information that lets you travel through time. The museum also aims at educating its visitors on human rights, supporting initiatives of Amnesty International and the United Nations Convention Against Torture and thus raising awareness on violations and torture practices still common in many countries. 

 #3 Phono Museum in Paris 

A music freakThere’s something for you! Phono Museum in the center of Paris near our hotel guides you through 140 years of sound recording technology. The museum collection covers the entire history of recorded sound, from the first cylinder to disk phonographs, from cassette tape recorders through CDs to today’s MP3 files. What the museum offers is not a plain tour – it is a concert – the vintage machines play records that accompany your endeavors.  

unusual museums 

#4 The Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels 

Fun fact – Belgium, with its over 700 comic strip authors, is the country with the greatest density of comic strip artists per square kilometer worldwide! No surprise then that Brussels is the mecca for comic lovers and the home to the greatest comic museum! The BCSC is dedicated to European comics, from its beginnings to the latest developments, from Tintin to the Smurfs, from Lucky Luke to Marsupilami. Your childhood dream to meet your favorite heroes comes true, next to our central hotels in Brussels!

 Weirdest Museums in Europe

#5 Museum of Brands in London 

Want to know more about branding and marketing? This museum, which is not far from our central hotel in London, educates on the role of advertising and packaging in our everyday lives – it explains how brands evolve over time, how they are shaped by us and how we are influenced by them. If your curiosity got awaken, you can take a virtual tour now or check your brand knowledge with an online quiz! 

 #6 The Barbie Museum in Copenhagen 

Every girl’s dream – a collection of over 4000 different Barbies all in one place. It is a life project of dedicated doll enthusiast Lene Darlie Pedersen. The collection showcases the Barbies over 50 years of toy’s history with all the special editions and one-of-a-kind exhibits. Immerse yourself in the pink paradise – easy to access from our hotel in Copenhagen next to main train station!

Weirdest Museums in Europe

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