Cafés and restaurants in Munich

Ladencafé Marais

The last paintwork of tables and chairs is already quite a while ago, when the cash register opens there are loud ringings and chatter filling the space between the old apothecary cabinets from past decades. The cute Ladencafé Marais is a piece of art, in which one feels transported back to the Paris of the 1920s. In addition to coffee, salads and soups there are also small decorative accessories to buy, old postcards, jam and jewelry. Truely a special place!
Ladencafé Marais, Parkstraße 2, 80339 München

Marais Ladencafé 1 Marais Ladencafé 2 Marais Ladencafé 3 - Bei schönem Wetter auch draußen



Augustiner Bräustuben

In the halls of the old Augustinian brewery, the guest has the choice between the cozy dining room, which is, however, often crowded, and the large beer hall in which one will always find a spot somewhere on the long tables. If you call for reservation in advance, this is the ideal place for larger groups as well. The noise level is always similar to the Oktoberfest, but that’s part of the experience, while you taste the Augustinian beer and a hearty roast pork with potato dumplings and crust. The waiters and waitresses are appropriately dressed traditionally Bavarian.
Augustiner Braustüben, Landsberger Straße 19, 80339 München

Augustiner-Bräu 1 Augustiner-Bräu 2 Augustiner-Bräu 3



Café Vorhoelzer Forum

For the students of Munich this café has become a matter of course, for tourists it is still a great hidden gem: The roof terrace of the Vorhoelzer Forum of Technical University has established itself to a gathering place. It is significant that the interior is not even half as large as the outside – where people meet for a Latte to enjoy the fantastic views over the Frauenkirche and the rest of the city. If you’re hungry, they also offer tasty snacks like panini, salad and apple strudel.
Café Vorholzer Forum, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

Café Vorhoelzer Forum 1 Café Vorhoelzer Forum 2




The ecco once had a problem: There never was enough space for the copious amounts of guests coming in. The restaurant was just too popular. So they decided the expansion of the restaurant to 45 additional seats. Nowadays you can drop by during the week without making a reservation in advance and enjoy the delicious pizza and pasta. The decor is edgy-modern, designed in cozy reds, the staff is super friendly.
ecco, Kazmairstraße 47, 80339 München

Ecco 1 - Riesenpizza Ecco 2 - stylisch-modern

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