Bars and pubs in Munich

Robinson’s Bar

No bar logo, no nameplates or anything like that: This bar is incognito. But if you look closely you can still recognize Robinson’s Bar: The window shows the meaningful sentence “We don’t get drunk, we get awesome”. Inside there are countless photographs from past parties hanging on the walls, the alternative audience wears horn-rimmed glasses and Chucks and from the speakers a mix of Easy Listening, Soul and Funk echoes.
Robinson’s Bar, Corneliusstraße 14, 80469 München

Robinson's Bar 1 Robinson's Bar 2 Robinson's Bar 3



Buena Vista

The columns of this old and disused petrol station have been collecting climbing plants already. You probably wouldn’t expect a lively bar behind these old doors, no spirited sounds of Caribbean rhythms. Thanks to its Cuban flair and happy hour, Buena Vista has become a popular location where the locals meet. People willing to dance directly head to the long, curved bar, but there are also quiet corners in the back of the bar for those who want it more cozy. The later the week, the more vivid it gets here.
Buena Vista, Am Einlass 2a, 80469 München

Bar Buena Vista 1 Bar Buena Vista 2 Bar Buena Vista 3




This bar calls itself “Night Club” and by entering you will know immediately why. In the window stands a DJ armed with headphones and laptop playing loud lounge sounds. The room is dark, the ambience is dim. The walls show many bare skin pictures. Only a deep red from the walls brightens the room as an indirect light. Until midnight you most likely get in for free, after midnight it costs around three euros.
Pimpernel, Müllerstraße 56, 80469 München

Pimpernel 1 Pimpernel 2 Pimpernel 3


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