Mexiko – Let the adventure begin

Adventure Travel in Mexico

After three whole years of working on the reception at MEININGER, I decided it was time for something new. While I thoroughly enjoyed sharing Berlin with people from the most varied of nations and exchanging stories and experiences with them, I simply could not shake off the idea of setting off on my very own adventure.


In my wildest dreams, I had pictured how it would be to live in a completely different, entirely foreign world. How people make a living and whether they feel the same urge to get out and see new things and explore more of our wonderful and diverse planet.

I had often planned where I wanted to spend my year abroad, where I would go after finishing school, where I would study, and where I would live. Where my children would grow up and where I would travel with them. I have always liked to picture how everything would be and the places where this would all happen always played the central role.

The setting for my next big adventure was to be Mexico. Ok, so if I’m honest, that wasn’t entirely true. After all, I actually already had my trip to South East Asia all arranged. But as life would have it, love had other plans for me. And so it was that I ultimately ended up in the land of Incas, Mayans and Aztecs.


The starting point for my journey was Yucatán, the peninsula in the east of Mexico.

There wasn’t much time to organise anything though, as our flight was already just a few weeks later. On 27th December, we managed to purchase reasonably priced tickets for a direct flight from Frankfurt to Cancún. And so it was set: on 25th February, we would be saying “Adiós Alemania!”.


We got rid of all of our possessions, including our flat. It really isn’t very easy to get all the paperwork sorted in record time. But somehow we made it to the airport in Frankfurt two months later on Thursday, 25th February 2016, all ready to go. We got our rucksacks packed at the last minute and bid our loved ones farewell. An 11.5-hour flight lay ahead of us. We each had around just 14 kg of luggage: nothing but the essentials, a few clothes, some camping gear, our tent and a few personal items.

From Cancún, we headed south relatively quickly to the little town of Tulum – an absolute gem beside the Caribbean Sea. It was easy to travel around using the ADO buses, and so we arrived at our dream destination of Tulum at around 1:30 p.m. Prior to this, we had simply gone to the bus station in Cancún, carrying all of our worldly possessions, and asked about tickets on the off-chance. We were lucky enough to only have to wait ten minutes for the next bus!


And here we now are – between the palm trees and the turquoise-blue sea, stretched out on our colourful beach towel. With our feet buried in the warm white sand and a bottle of ice-cold water within easy reach, we gaze towards the horizon. This is by far the most beautiful place we have ever been. A paradise in the midst of the Caribbean.


The first week has already passed; our skin has become slightly tanned. We are happy; happy to have finally arrived. It was love at first sight. Tulum is simply brimming with energy. In no other place in the world have I seen so many happy-looking people in one place, all with a smile on their face. There is eco café after eco café, vegan restaurants and offers of yoga courses on every corner. Everyone appears to value health and well-being very highly here. Perhaps this is their secret: spiritual, healthy, pure life; fresh, pure air; salty untouched waters. Maybe this is just the start of happiness.

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