Discover Vienna – Sightseeing

Discover Vienna

What are the most important places for a sightseeing trip in Vienna?

Haus der Musik

If you want to avoid one of Vienna’s biggest tourist traps make sure you stay away from those nice people dressed as Mozart wanting to sell concerts to classical concerts (for tourists) in the inner city. An absolute “must do” (especially with kids) on the contrary is a visit to Haus der Musik museum – the house of music. Here you can learn all there is to know about your own hearing, music, and  famous composers. It is and interactive museum and there are plenty of experiments to try that are lots of fun – not just for the kids!
Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Vienna
Phone +43 (0)1 51348 50
Opening hours: daily, 10:00-22:00
U-Bahn: Karlsplatz (U1, U4, U2), Schwarzenbergplatz (D, 71)



Just like the great ferries wheel the St Stephan’s cathedral in the city center is one of  Vienna’s famous landmarks. There are two accessible towers, the south tower can be climbed (343 steps) or if you rather take a lift: the south tower with the bell on top is only a short lift trip up. If you walk around the cathedral you’ll see that the north tower is shorter and just like so many buildings in the inner city, there is a legend to it. The builder of the tower was behind the schedule and so he made a deal with the devil. The devil would help him with the one condition that the builder wasn’t allowed to say any holy names anymore. All went well until the day he saw his beautiful fiancé Maria walk by…
Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien
Phone: +43 (0)1 515523054
Opening hours of the tower: daily 9:00-17:30



Riesenrad –  Go For a Spin on One of Vienna’s Most Famous Landmarks

If you’re planning a visit to the amusement park, the Prater, you should make sure you go on a trip on the famous ferries wheel. It was built in 1897 and has been running since. 15 wagons spinning around very slowly allow for excellent views on the area and the nearby city. Also check out the museum at the bottom to see what this place looked like at the beginning of the 20th century.
Riesenradplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Phone: +43 (0)1 7295430
Opening hours: vary during the year, best to check their website
U-Bahn: Praterstern (U1, U2)



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